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A Lasting Relationship

This video is designed to help parents create healthy, life-long relationships with their child through their participation in interscholastic athletics and activities. Feel free to download this video for use at parent and staff meetings.

This video is designed to help parents create healthy, life-long relationships with their child through their participation in interscholastic athletics and activities. Feel free to download this video for use at parent and staff meetings.

As a parent, one of your most important goals should be building a healthy and lasting relationship with your child. There are countless positive and negative experiences your child can have as a member of an interscholastic team. As your and your student travel through this journey, remember these strategies to help build a lasting relationship.

Support your student. Your child needs to know that you’re their #1 fan, regardless of their ups and downs. Use your opportunities to demonstrate your love.

Be a good listener. Taking the time to listen to your child is one of the best ways to understand your child’s feelings, concerns, and point of view.

Support your child’s goals. Talk with your child about goals they have when it comes to being a teammate and how those goals can be met as a team and an individual.

Know your role. Your role is to help your student, not to coach or referee! Over zealous parents who cross this line often cause major conflict for their student.

Be involved with your child’s program with fundraising activities, supporting a booster club, providing encouragement, and attending games and events.

It’s a game. Winning and losing is a big deal however, do not equate your child’s successes and failures with wins and losses.
Instill confidence. You have a responsibility to help your student feel good about themselves. Compliments and encouragement go a long way!

The ride home. Don’t make the mistake of initiating a critique about your student’s performance immediately after the competition or during the ride home.

Remember fun. Research shows that kids play sports and activities for the joy and fun of participating and sharing those experiences with their teammates.

Emphasize the journey. This journey is much more than winning one event or a heartbreaking loss. It is the accumulation of days, months, seasons, and years.


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